ConnectFamilias Family Center serves as a hub to bring services into the community and increase access to care and community resources in a safe nurturing and supportive environment in the neighborhood.
StoryLogicNet is a project for children, teachers, parents about Multiliteracy and Collaborative Writing as a learning methodology.
Re-imagining Migration’s mission is to advance the education and well-being of immigrant-origin youth, decrease bias and hatred against young people of diverse origins, and help rising generations develop the critical understanding and empathy necessary to build and sustain welcoming and inclusive communities.
On Out of Eden Learn’s custom built, social media platform, students of similar ages from diverse geographical and socioeconomic settings come together for collective learning experiences.
Lee & Low Books is the largest multicultural children’s book publisher in the country. We are also one of the few minority-owned publishing companies in the United States. Founded in 1991, we have always been family-owned and independent, which means we publish what we want and aren’t afraid to take risks.
Salmon, Angela K and Kiriaki Melliou
Salmon, Angela K., and Kiriaki Melliou. “Understanding and Facing Migration Through Stories for Influence.” Handbook of Research on Promoting Social Justice for Immigrants and Refugees Through Active Citizenship and Intercultural Education. IGI Global, 2021. 205-231.
Mansilla, Veronica Boix, and Melissa Rivard
Mansilla, Veronica Boix, and Melissa Rivard. “The Many Stories Library Project Sharing Untold Stories to Understand Who We Are.”, Global Group at Project Zero, 2014.
Salmon, Angela K., Maria Victoria Gangotena, and Kiriaki Melliou
Salmon, Angela K., Maria Victoria Gangotena, and Kiriaki Melliou. “Becoming globally competent citizens: A learning journey of two classrooms in an interconnected world.” Early Childhood Education Journal 46.3 (2018): 301-312.